I guess when a few people or an entire community begins to drag your name through the mud or when you become the topic of conversation on countless phone calls, you can consider yourself a success or at the very least a public figure. It has been brought to my attention that people in my hometown of Montgomery, Alabama are not only reading my blogs and articles that I've written for various publications, but they are also acting as my judge and jury. Normally I would never take the time to address personal attacks because I'm a firm believer that I should only get worried when people stop talking about me and stop reading my work.
When I started writing this blog over a year ago I guess I naively thought no one in my family or the city where I grew up would ever read any of my writing. I honestly didn't think this blog would begin to play such an important role in my life and affect the lives of so many others across the country, but it has and I'm grateful. As far as I'm concerned I've always been out, so for people to act as if it's such a big deal that I'm gay is ridiculous and actually laughable. As a teenager if you approached me with the question and your intentions were good I didn't have a problem answering honestly then and I don't have a problem answering honestly now. It amazes me how people can be so quick to debase my character when they don't know me or haven't taken the time to clean out their own closet. What you see is what you get. I'm black, gay, and unashamed.
Does it surprise you that I'm not on the DL or I haven't entered into some false marriage and had multiple children? I know that is what is expected of so many gay men and because of their own low self- esteem and internalized homophobia some fall victim to these sham relationships. Well I refuse to accept this for my life and just because your pastor is doing it and your first lady is looking in the opposite direction doesn't mean it should apply to my life or yours. It takes a real man to walk in his truth despite how others may perceive him.
It's during moments like this I realize why it was so important for me to leave the south when I did. Montgomery, Alabama was too small to even hold my dreams. While you're sitting at home on the phone discussing my sexuality and why you think I'm going to burn in hell, I'm living life to the fullest and doing so on my own terms. You see there's an unbelievable peace you experience when you allow yourself to be exactly who God created you to be, whether that's straight, gay, bisexual, or transgender. I know you're not used to someone being so confident in himself when so many of my LGBT brothers and sisters have been taught to hate the very core of who they are, unfortunately for you that fire and brimstone shit never stuck with me.
I invite you to continue reading my blog and visiting my myspace page. Just because I know you're looking doesn't mean I'm going to censor what I write about. Now I'm more determined than ever to give you something to talk about.