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Gyant at gyantunplugged.comOK, so I have been on the fence all weekend about whether or not I was going to discuss the extremely disturbing pictures regarding screenwriter Dustin Lance that’s posted on the number one blog site Perezhilton.com.
For those of you who’ve been otherwise occupied, openly gay blogger, Perez Hilton
got his paws on some explicit photos(NSFW!!!) of Academy Award winner Dustin Lance going down under on a former gay lover.
If the name isn’t familiar Dustin won an Oscar for
Best Screenplay for “Milk”. Anyway, the photo’s are shocking to say the least. Dustin is photographed in all kind of comprising positions, no pun intended, and can even be seen engaging in unsafe sex practices. And while the images are salacious enough for any gossip rag, or gossip blogger for that matter, many are fuming over Perez’ decision to post such damaging pictures on his hugely popular site.
Recently declared an activist, Perez Hilton has been a staunch supporter for gay rights. We’ve all seen P-Nasty make the headlines as of late over his controversial position as a judge at this years Miss USA Pageant. The outspoken celebrity blogger
has been very public about his disdain for Miss USA winner Carrie Prejean, and her anti-gay remarks believing that gays shouldn’t be allowed to enter into wedlock.
Perez recent mission has shifted the tone of his celebrity crazed blog site to be that of a more socially responsible and activist position. That is until early Saturday morning.
Now before I offer up my opinion I feel it necessary to state that I love blogging, particularly reading other peoples passionate opinions, and make it my business to publicly avoid scrutinizing other bloggers work and, or decisions. However, Mario Lavandeira [aka Perez' government], decision to air out an Academy Award winner was unacceptable, reckless and downright low down.
Perez’ posting has deconstructed his plight as becoming an activist for “the cause”. Pulling a move like posting Dustin Lance’s compromising pictures of him engaging in oral and anal sex to the masses does nothing more then perpetuate a stereotype about homosexuals that draws such strong reactions from people when it comes to equal rights.
It would be the equivalent of me pumping my fists for Barack Obama to become the first black President, but then post a sex tape sent to me from Barack’s past. Would the pictures of Dustin probably have hit the net and been a salacious read for many anyway – of course. But why would a top blogger, some say number one blogger, who claims to be so passionate for equal rights – sandbag a prominent member of his community?
I should note that I understand Perez’ position in all of this. I feel that his point is a lesson about accountability and making better decisions. I mean we should all know by now that trusting anyone to take pictures of you engaged in a sexual act , no matter what emotional feelings you may have, is simply a bad idea.
But with Perez having the influence to address the masses with a few simple keystrokes, to utilize his brand to perpetuate many peoples opinions that homosexual are nothing more than pillow biting freaks, this action might end up costing his brand more then first realized.
At the end of the day I am not defending the actions of a reckless adult. Lance has some serious damage control to do on his own.
But to be hit square in the middle of the face by one of your own, one who claims to be on the side of advancement for his community, makes you realize that at the end of the day Perez is about nothing more then clicks so that he can get checks. Making him nothing more then a blogger and opportunist who’ll abandon his plight to obtain his exclusives and get people talking. So far that one post has garnered over 1300 comments.
Plus, call me a crazy, but I don’t think the Academy is going to be amused by Mario going after one of their own.
Gyant says: Epic fail Perez!