CLIK HONORS / Elite 25
Beginning this year, Clik Magazine, America’s #1 gay publication for men of color, celebrates individuals, tagged the CLIK HONORS / Elite 25, in it’s December 2006 Issue. Clik Magazine will launch CLIK HONORS / Elite 25 with a special awards reception. The event will take place Saturday November 25th 2006 at the Fabulous Fox Theatre, Atlanta, GA
Clik will celebrates 25 individuals, through their everyday lives, talents, causes and campaigns pave the way for the gay community. They prove to the rest of the world that gays are significant contributors to all of society and their accomplishments deserve recognition.
What: CLIK HONORS / Elite 25
When: Saturday November 25th, 2006
Who: Hundreds of Decision Makers, Opinion Leaders and other individuals
in the Gay community In Attendance
Where: Fabulous Fox Theatre, 660 Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta GA
Sponsorship Levels & Benefits
Presenting $7,500+
Recognized in all media announcements as Presenting Sponsor
2-Page advertisement in Event Program Booklet
Opportunity to disseminate product/information to our guest
Name/Logo On Invitation
Prominent placement of Banner/Logo Signage At Event
1-time access to our exclusive email list to showcase your product/services.
Logo/Name on National Print Ads and Flyers
Your Link on http://clikmagazine.com Website thru December 31st 2006
Special Recognition On Stage At Event
10 Tickets To The Event
Platinum $5,000
C-I above
Full Page Ad In Program Booklet
8 Tickets To The Event
Gold $3500-4,999
D-I above
1/2 Page Ad In Program Booklet
6 Tickets To The Event
Silver $2000-3,499
E-I above
1/4 Page Ad In Program Booklet
4 Tickets To The Event
Bronze $1000-1,999
G-I above
Listing In Program Booklet
4 Tickets To The Event
Guardian $500-999
H-I above
Listing In Program Booklet
2 Tickets To The Event
Category Sponsor $500 (By Invitation)
Listed Online As Category Presenter
Special Recognition On Stage As Category Presenter
Listing In Program Booklet As Category Sponsor
Company Information Listed With Award Recipient
2 Tickets To The Event
Individual Sponsors — Friends Of Clik:
• Friends For Life - $250 – 4 Tickets and Listing in program booklet and online
• Best Friends- $100 – 2 Tickets and Listing in program booklet and online
• Good Friends - $50 – 1 Ticket and Listing in program booklet and online
Actors, producers, directors, writers, etc.
Performance Art
Dance, theatre, male/female illusionists, etc.
Singers, songwriters, composers, producers, etc.
Actors, producers, directors, writers, etc.
Visual Arts
Photographers, painters, sculptors, designers, etc.
Fiction & non-fiction authors, etc.
Publishers, editors, journalists, reporters, etc.
Community Service
Agency directors, HIV/AIDS CBOs, etc.
Outstanding businesses, promoters, promotions groups etc.
Activists, politicians, etc.
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