Warning: This video contains language that may not be appropriate for work or children.
I know what you're thinking. The title is a little misleading because the video is actually an ode to Barack Obama and not a personal attack. The spoken word artist in this video shares my first name as well as my love for the next President of the United States, Barack Obama.
Darian Dauchan delivers one of the most moving tributes I've ever seen to Barack Obama in this performance at the Urban Poetry Slam in New York City.
Get into this video and have a great weekend!

Openly gay filmmaker and loldarian.com favorite Maurice Jamal recently penned this piece about the destructive Hillary Clinton campaign on his myspace page. It's no secret that I'm an Obama supporter (hence the logo at the top of my page). But I have to say that Maurice took the words right out of my mouth. I'm sure this piece will get all of the Clinton supporters quite upset, but it's okay, the truth usually hurts. Obama 08!
The unfortunate truth that Sen. Clinton's campaign isn't just a losing campaign for her, it's a bad campaign period. At the same time that Clinton want to assail Obama on issues of credibility and fluff over substance, their is a clear problem with her candidacy and the public polls and voting trends reflect this. While Clinton certainly gives her share of policy speeches there is not a clear sense of what her vision, ethics, perspective and guiding principles are.
This new "win by any means" campaign (which means Democrats lose) has truly shown the cracks in the Clinton machinery. Obama continues to inspire people and has rebounded back in the pools because average Americans feel as if they have an idea about the qualities and principles of this man. Americans are judging him fair, honest, real and with a principled sense of justice that guides him. The same just can't be said for Clinton. She consistently ranks the lowest in the race with regard to honesty and trustworthiness.
And while she's not as bad as Bush, do we really want another president that we don't feel we can trust "from day one"?
Every major analyst has said that Clinton cannot win the nomination by ANY of the standards and measuring tools used in every previous election. An increasing number of party officials (in particular local candidates worried about her dragging down Democrats in smaller races) are saying she needs to drop out since she cannot earn the nomination. She has also lost by every measuring tool that HER CAMPAIGN has asserted was the standard by which to judge her. So their response has been to change how they feel the American people should look at this race. It's not just unfair, it's bad politics which point to an administration that will have bad policies.
The reality of American politics is that Presidents rarely get through Congress a majority of the platform issues they campaigned on. At the end of the day, a President governs by their ability to create consensus, inspire people here AND abroad, and to use the bully pulpit to rally people to a common cause. We've experienced what happens when a president feels their perspective overrides the will of the people.
Can we truly hand a nomination to someone who clearly feels the same?
In my previous posts, I have made it clear that while I support Obama, I have always respected the work Clinton has done. Yet in the last two months, she and her campaign have engaged in a race that that is increasingly self serving. In today's New York Times, Maureen Dowd writes an op-ed called "Hillary or Nobody?", that speaks to the campaign engaging in a destructive campaign to hurt an Obama Presidential campaign in a general race against McCain, so she can run in 2012. The implication: that what's bad for Democrats and bad for the country is good for her.
The fact that people are beginning to see her campaign in that light, truly speaks to the inadequacy and shameful spirit that her campaign brings. If a campaign and the way it being run is the best indication of the way an administration will be, a Clinton administration becomes more and more clear. And the picture isn't pretty. We've had enough self-serving government over the past eight years. The time has truly come for a different view in the White House.
I am adding my voice to the many who realize that the time has come for Senator Clinton to end her race.
Maurice Jamal.

I often write about clergymen who are anti-gay and are extremely vocal about derailing the advancement of equality for the LGBT community, mostly because as a Christian myself there is nothing else that will spark a reaction faster from me and lead me to my computer to write than a Bishop Harry Jackson or Rev. Ken Hutcherson.
But today I'd like to focus on a man that has consistently supported the gay community and often spoke out against the cruel and unfair treatment of those based solely on their sexual orientation.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu has been named the recipient of a prestigious award by the New York-based International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission.
The IGLHRC will present its 2008 Outspoken Award as part of the organization's A Celebration of Courage human rights ceremony on Tuesday, April 8, 2008 at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco.
"There is really only one name in the world that immediately conjures up moral leadership in pursuit of dignity for all people on earth, and that is Desmond Tutu," said Paula Ettelbrick, IGLHRC's Executive Director.
"Archbishop Tutu's vision of a world in which human rights are respected has always explicitly included LGBT people, despite the fierce opposition he has faced from his peers and colleagues. He has challenged political apartheid in South Africa and continues to challenge spiritual apartheid within his religious community."
Archbishop Tutu has vocally challenged discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. In a 2004 article in The Times of London, he condemned persecution on the basis of sexual orientation, comparing it to apartheid.
"We struggled against apartheid in South Africa, supported by people the world over, because black people were being blamed and made to suffer for something we could do nothing about-our very skins," he wrote. "It is the same with sexual orientation. It is a given. I could not have fought against the discrimination of apartheid and not also fight against the discrimination that homosexuals endure, even in our churches and faith groups."
Archbishop Tutu is a true ally and is to be commended for valuing all human life and standing up for what's right, even though it may not be popular. Congrats!

I've never been able to come up with a column that sticks. But I like "My Randomness" and you guys seemed to dig it the last time so I'm trying it again. Feel free to enter my mind and my random thoughts.

1. JC Chasez & Chace Crawford, Bow Wow & Omarion what do these two couples have in common? They're just really good friends. *wink*

2. I've never been a huge Madonna fan, but I have a great deal of respect for her as an artist. While the entire world seems to be creaming themselves over her new single "4 Minutes" with Justin Timberlake(which I could care less about), her track "Candy Store" that was leaked online months ago and pulled is the real business. Wanna download it? Click here. Thanks Nova!

3. I came across this 2007 Next cover with model and now accused felon Keyontyli Goffney and couldn't help but think:
A. What in the hell was he and his brother thinking?
B. There isn't enough money in the world to get me to have sex next to my twin brother and definitely not on camera.
C. The boys are gonna have a good time with them in lockup!
4. C'mon did you really think I wouldn't have a random thought about Janet? Janet recently told journailst Clay Cane in an interview with Instincts Magazine that gay porn has gotten her excited a few times and the gossip blogs are running with this one. Now all of a sudden Janet's a nasty hoe. Pleazeeeeeeeee! What straight man doesn't get off on watching lesbian porn?

5. Just when I thought I'd get a break from screaming Beyonce while she's filming Cadillac Records, new music has surfaced online and the kids are acting like Jesus himself has come back to earth. I definitely have a love/hate relationship with Beyonce. Honestly, I love her most of the time, but I would love her more if she would take a break for 4 years and allow us to miss her. The new track is called "Beautiful Nitemare", not to be confused with "Beautiful Liar". Was your last nightmare beautiful? Download it here.

6. The men of TROY. Lawd have mercy!!! This is my new addiction. Get into this site if you haven't already. Thanks Bernie.

7. I think this movie is the great forgotten black gay film. I saw Strange Fruit in 2004 at Outfest in L.A. and I fell in love with the story, the acting, and the leading man. I came across it last night in Blockbuster and quickly scooped it up. It tells the story of an openly gay black lawyer from New York who goes home to Louisiana to investigate the lynching of his best friend, who is also openly gay, but ends up in danger himself. I highly recommend it.

I came across this wonderful event while flipping through the 2008 Black Pride Resource Guide and I thought it would be great information for me to share with you.
The 11th Annual Song Master Black Gay & Lesbian Cruise onboard Carnival Spirit will depart San Diego Monday October 27, 2008 for an 8 day cruise and will port in Acapulco, Zihuatanejo, and Manzanillo Mexico. Price packages start at $455.00 with an opportunity to earn $25 for every friend you bring.
There will be the usual fun in the sun and more food than you can eat, but there will also be appearances by female illusionist and MC Rayceen Pendarvis, DJ/Vocalist Carlos Sanchez and award winning playwright and author Stanley Bennet Clay in The Literary Cafe.
Multi-platinum gospel artist Tonex will also be on hand for a special concert. This addition to the entertainment line-up definitely caught my attention for obvious reasons, but I'm not gonna touch it. Thoughts?

I've never been on a cruise as a passenger only as a performer so I'm looking forward to 8 days in Mexico with Trey and hundreds of other SGL brothers and sisters. If you'd like more information on this event click here.

I decided to give you guys something a little different today. I'd like to introduce you to Chonique Sneed. Chonique began her entertainment career at the young age of 8. A Los Angeles Native, born in the center of Hollywood, she was destined to entertain with a natural passion for performing. Beginning her career as a child actress, she worked on commercials, kid variety specials, and television shows in her early years. Always having a natural ability and interest in dance, she went on to dance in movies, world tours, and countless music videos; working with artists such as: Missy Elliott, Eve, Gwen Stefani, PDiddy, and Janet Jackson, to name a few.
Chonique holds a special place in my heart because upon my arrival in L.A. back in 2002 she was one of the first choreographers that noticed my talent and consistently gave me corrections and feedback(which is rare in Hollywood).
Many of her students and fans in L.A. are familiar with the amazing duo that is Chonique and Lisette. Lisette Bustamante is another dancer/choreographer that has worked for every major artist known to man and completes the unstoppable duo.
Seriously, if you've ever seen a dance video with a major artist then most likely Lisette was in the video.
Chonique will soon branch into the music industry with the release of her first solo rap effort under the stage name "The Hollywood Dutchess".
I'm excited about her project because Chonique understands the perormance element and will definitely bring it every time she hits the stage. I can't think of many rappers that will give you a full show with the exception of Missy Elliot.
Chonique has put together an amazing reel to share her life and work with her fans old and new. Get into it below! And if you're in L.A. on March 29th then you can check out Chonique and Lisette's Master Class in Hollywood.

After only two weeks as a contributor on Concrete Loop the lights have faded to black for B. Scott. I wanted to believe that I didn't see it coming and when I received a phone call from B. Scott on yesterday with the news it was difficult to act surprised. But it still didn't make the pill easier to swallow once the inevitable occurred.
If you visited the site over the past couple of weeks then you're aware of how out of control some of the comments were. It got so bad that I sat in front of my camera and recorded a response. I didn't even have time to think about it, something in my spirit just forced me to speak on it.
The video has received over 7,000 views on YouTube since it was posted and I couldn't even begin to tell you the number of e-mails I've received. Many people argue that it was a waste of my time to defend B. Scott and black gay men against the prevalent attacks from people within our own community. It seems that homophobia is a fact of life and unlike racism and sexism it shouldn't be challenged. To that I say, (and forgive me for not being more eloquent) is bullshit!
One thing I know about hatred is that it's not innate. It's taught and often from a very young age. But we have the opportunity to teach our children and each other as adults to be more tolerant and respectful of those who are different.
I'm not expecting everyone to fall in love with the gay community, that would just be plain dumb and unrealistic. But I do expect people to treat others how they would like to be treated. It's just that simple.
It's disappointing that homophobia won in the end over at Concrete Loop and the creator was unable to keep her commitment to B. Scott and the people who actually enjoyed his work.
But one thing I know about B. Scott and gay men is that many of us are resilient. We've equipped ourselves with survival techniques that our straight counterparts neither need or know how to tap into. When you live in a world where you're constantly being rejected, torn apart, ridiculed, discriminated against and viewed as abominable you have no choice but to learn quickly how to navigate through life in the face of potential danger.
Concrete Loop is not the end but only the beginning of a career that will take my friend's natural ability to entertain and uplift people to the masses. I just regret it was our own people that played a significant role in turning off the lights. We've go to do better.
Read what Sandra Rose is saying here.

So I have a new crush, but you can't tell Trey! I had the pleasure of having coffee with a new friend who is also a loyal reader of this blog over the weekend in New York City and the name Kareem Ferguson kept coming up in our conversation. So I decided to share all of the information I have on Kareem with you because he is definitely someone to look out for.
Many of you may recognize Kareem from his role as Austin, the handsome health food store manager from episode Robert of The DL Chronicles. He has also appeared on episodes of Las Vegas and Scrubs.
Kareem was born in Belize but now calls Los Angeles home. He received his undergraduate degree in theater from the University of Utah and his graduate degree in the same discipline from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Not only is Kareem a talented actor but a licensed pilot as well. I can only imagine the things he could do at 30,000 feet!
I would be remiss not to mention his stellar good looks and amazing body. It's rare in Hollywood that you'll find an actor who has the acting chops to match their outward appearance but Kareem has both.
So if you haven't seen The DL Chronicles then I suggest that you run and don't walk to your nearest Blockbuster just to check out Kareem. You'll be glad you did.
Get into his acting reel below. And you have my permission to continue to stare at his photos. LOL!
Thanks Kev!

Dr. Marjorie Hill, the chief executive officer of The Gay Men's Health Crisis in New York along with her staff is continuing to bring awareness to HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment with their provocative ad campaigns. Last week I introduced GMHC's "I love my boo" campaign targeting African-American and Latino men and this week images of a campaign targeting African -American women have been released.
"We're Not Taking It Lying Down"! is the theme of this campaign and it seems to be urging personal responsibility when it comes to having unprotected sex and seeking treatment to fight HIV. It's no secret that black women have become infected with HIV at alarming rates. In 2004, HIV infection was the leading cause of death for African American women aged 25-34 years, the third leading cause of death for African American women aged 35-44 years, and the fourth leading cause of death for African American women aged 45-54 years.(source )
Recent studies show a decline in infections among women in New York City where these ads are being displayed down about 5 percent between 05 and 06.
However, there is still work to be done because this epidemic is far from over.
New data released by the Center for Disease Control shows that in the 33 states that collected data, the number of HIV/AIDS cases increased among adult and adolescent men who have sex with men (MSM) in all age groups from 2001 through 2005. The largest proportional increase , however, occurred among MSM ages 13-24, with African American/black YMSM in this age category suffering the largest increase -- up from 928 cases in 2001 to 1,618 cases in 2005.
Debra Hauser, Executive Vice President at Advocates for Youth released this statement to Medical News Today that I think speaks volumes to the HIV crisis we face here in America.
"This dramatic increase in HIV rates is yet another in a series of clarion calls to Congress and the Department of Health and Human Services that young people need culturally relevant and realistic sex education to protect their health and save their lives.
We will never be able to adequately address the sexual health needs of young people when our government insists upon funding abstinence-only-until-marriage programs that censor vital information about contraception and condoms and demonize homosexuality. All young people have the right to honest sexual health information."
Kudos to Dr. Hill for spearheading this campaign and Steven for the info.

Openly gay minister and author of" Their Own Receive Them Not:African-American Lesbians and Gays In Black Churches" Rev. Horace Griffin recently sat down with the editor of Queerty to discuss the impact of racism and homophobia in America. He also spoke about his journey towards self acceptance after dealing with the internal conflict regarding his sexuality and what he was taught growing up in the black church.
It's a really great read that I definitely recommend. Here's a few highlights below:
On coming to terms with his sexuality:
When I went to college at Morehouse College. My mother really didn’t want me to go. She suspected I was gay and I remember her raising questions about “so many homosexuals” at Morehouse. But I went and I guess it was not so much the consciousness raising, but I did confront homosexuality when I went to college, just because there were many gays on campus. Regardless, I continued with preaching sermons against homosexuality, writing letters in the school newspaper. It didn’t come to a head until the summer after college, when I had my first sexual experience with a man, which was a wonderful experience, but also created major conflict with what I was thinking, my ideology and my theology. It was actually the seminary that challenged my views, where I started having a different perspective about homosexuality.
On Racism:
I think many times whites don’t understand the depths of racism that exist in this country, because they don’t experience it. I was talking to one of my parishioners who was shocked to know that I get these reactions by white women and men all the time. And I’m always dressed professionally in a suit and tie, but I’m lumped with every thuggish black man on the street. A white man dressed like me would never get that reaction. There a lot of people who still feel like any black man - they don’t even look at you - they just lump all black men together as thieves. That is racism. And it’s that level of racism - not people like the Klan, we’re not talking about that racism. A lot of people don’t really look at the nuances of race and the degrees of racism.
On The Church:
I’m so tied to the church - I am a priest, after all - I’m committed to the church, I love the church, but the church often causes me to grieve, because I see the pain and suffering that the church inflicts upon people. I struggle with the church because of that, but I think that the church is going to be here for the rest of our lives, so those of us who are committed to the true gospel must continue to be a voice crying out for people.
Read the entire interview here.

Happy Good Friday! It seems the only thing that is spreading faster than my recent post on DeWayne Woods is my video blog on "Defending B. Scott & Black Gay Men". Angel Laws, the creator and editor of the hugely popular entertainment website Concrete Loop has posted my video for her readers to view. Concrete Loop receives over 60,000 unique visitors to it's website on a daily basis.
During a conversation with B. Scott a while ago I remember him saying that his message of love and tolerance for LGBT people or just for people who are different needed to go beyond the gay community and into places that might be a little uncomfortable.
Change will not happen as long as we continue to preach to the choir. I've already decided not to read the comments for a couple of days. I don't want my blood pressure to go up! LOL! If they didn't spare B. Scott the hateful and homophobic comments I know I won't be an exception.
But you guys can feel free to head on over to Concrete Loop and represent!
Thanks for all of your love and support. And yes, your criticism.
Click here to enter Concrete Loop.

from jasmynecannick.com
Marlon T. Riggs’s controversial classic documentary chronicling the black gay male experience Tongues Untied has been released on DVD in celebration of its 20th Anniversary through Frameline.
Marlon Riggs’s portrayal of homophobia and racism caused controversy during Tongues Untied’s original 1991 airing on PBS’s P.O.V. series and contributed to the national debate about the National Endowment for the Arts funding for art with nudity, gay themes, and pointed political commentary. The remastered DVD includes an archival interview with director Marlon Riggs, and newly produced interviews with Isaac Julien, Phill Wilson, Juba Kalanka, and Herman Gray, as well as never-before-released deleted scenes.
Riggs’s stories are fierce examples of homophobia and racism: the man refused entry to a gay bar because of his color; the college student left bleeding on the sidewalk after a gay-bashing; the loneliness and isolation of the drag queen. The stories also affirm the black gay male experience: protest marches, smoky bars, “snap divas,” humorous musicology, and vogue dancing.
For more information click here.
from Darian
The National Black Justice Coalition will be sponsoring a special screening and discussion of Tongues Untied in Washington D.C. on March 26. I will be making the trip to our nation's capital to attend this event. If you're in D.C. then make sure you're in the house and be sure to say hello if you see me.
Click here for the D.C. screening info.

Gospel singer and three- time Stellar Award winner DeWayne Woods is not your ordinary gospel artist. He has used his music and his life as an instrument to spread God’s message of hope, salvation, healing, and redemption. This alone doesn’t set DeWayne Woods apart from the pack, but his innate ability to be transparent about his own personal struggles in public certainly does and is one of the many reasons his fans and critics alike are drawn to his music and his testimony.
While DeWayne’s music has been well received in Christian circles from his time with Donald Lawrence and The Tri-City Singers to his debut solo effort “Introducing DeWayne Woods & When Singers Meet”, it’s his personal testimony of being diagnosed with HIV in 1992 and being miraculously healed shortly thereafter that has been the topic of conversation around water coolers and black churches across America.
This bold assertion in the face of 26 years of the deadliest epidemic ever to hit American soil is all at once a hallelujah moment and a springboard for skepticism for those who have witnessed DeWayne give his testimony live or who may have heard it from others.
During Donald Lawrence and The Tri-City Singer’s farewell concert DeWayne courageously disclosed to a packed theater that he was infected with HIV in the early nineties and suffered greatly from the disease as well as from side effects from anti-retroviral drugs, until he decided to “Let Go” and let God have control.
“I decided that if I was going to preach about God being a healer then I wanted him to do it”, said Dewayne.
As Christians we believe God can heal any disease or affliction. The spiritual side of us wants to accept every word of DeWayne’s testimony, but the human side has not forgotten the millions of lives lost to HIV/AIDS.
So that leads me to my first question. What makes DeWayne Woods so special?
This question is in no way meant to be harsh although it may be perceived as such. But when you tell the world you’ve been cured of an incurable disease and there are still millions of people who are living with HIV then you should be prepared to tell the how, when, and where your miracle occurred and not just a sound bite to encourage the church to say “Amen”.
People who probably wouldn’t ordinarily visit a site like mine find themselves logging on daily after a google search on DeWayne Woods. Here’s just a sample of what they’re searching for:
1) DeWayne Woods healed from HIV
2) Is DeWayne Woods married?
3) DeWayne Woods gay
4) How did DeWayne Woods get HIV?
5) Does DeWayne Woods have AIDS?
These are all very valid questions for a gospel star that’s chosen to disclose his struggle with a disease that is still taboo in the black church and the black community. For the record I was scheduled to interview DeWayne Woods and even asked my readers to submit questions for our interview and after weeks of e-mails with his publicist Andrea R. Williams of Tehillah Entertainment and submitting my questions (something I never do) I was denied the interview only hours before it was scheduled to take place.
I have to commend DeWayne Woods for having the courage to stand before a black audience and admit he’s lived (living?) with HIV. Those three words are enough to spark gossip amongst Christian folk and bring shame on a black family for years. How many of us have gone to funerals of loved ones who have passed away from AIDS and the family has changed the cause of death to cancer? A friend of mine who has lived with HIV for over 8 years always says, “you’ll hear people say pray for me church I have cancer or diabetes, but you’ll never hear them say pray for me I have HIV”.
So that leads me to my next question. What is DeWayne Woods so afraid of?
One question that always pops up is whether or not he was presented to a medical review board and if his case was documented. Surely this is one for the books, right?
It seems that DeWayne is bent on telling his testimony on his terms and on his turf with little to no interaction from the media or his critics. One could assume he’s dodging the inevitable questions surrounding his sexuality or the marriage to a woman he oftens speaks of but is never seen in public with. We know an admission of homosexuality could potentially be the death of a gospel artist who works in an industry filled with closeted gay men and lesbians who subscribe to their own don’t ask don’t tell.
And we know from experience that the black community doesn’t have a history of embracing their LGBT brothers and sisters or accepting the fact that an artist who may have brought them closer to Christ through their music has a same –sex attraction. That would just be too much for some people to handle. We can forgive Kirk Franklin for his porn addiction but let him come out of the closet and I guarantee you all hell will break loose.
But to hear DeWayne’s testimony is riveting, whether it’s factual or not, (and I have my doubts) simply because it hasn’t been told before. And his intention to provoke a reaction is definitely working.
Just compare these two comments left on a video of DeWayne that I posted on YouTube.
“I must say thank you to the person who put this video on here. I was just diagnosed with HIV about 4 weeks ago and it’s been rough, but now I am truly convinced that God is truly a God of a second chance. These are the last days and healing is yours for the asking and I thank God for my healing!!!!! Will anybody agree with me for my healing?”
“If any one doubts this man's testimony then you doubt God. If you do not believe someone can be healed of HIV then you are saying that HIV is bigger than God. God through his son, Jesus performed many miracles. Many times people were cured in the Bible and these people sought doctors. The doctors could not do a thing for them but Jesus could.”
So there you have it. This debate on the authenticity of DeWayne Woods’ testimony is not likely to go away anytime soon. Maybe one day DeWayne will exert the same courage he had when he first gave his testimony that opened up the floodgate of speculation.
For every statement there is a follow up question, DeWayne can make the choice not to answer, but not making himself available to even entertain the possibility of such is cowardly. And this attribute doesn’t fall in line with the persona of DeWayne Woods. If I may, a word of advice taken directly from your signature song, just “Let Go”.

Something different will be happening on Concrete Loop.com this Friday. I guarantee you by lunch the blogosphere will be buzzing and inboxes will be full. Do you wanna know what I'm talking about? You're just gonna have to wait one more day. You don't wanna miss this!

Here's a few links to articles that I think are worth reading. I'll be back in full swing on Thursday.

The White Man's Burden Is Not The Black Man's Responsibility-jasmynecannick.com

Obama To Make "Major" Speech on Race, Rev. Wright and His Church-Rod 2.0

JNez, The Wire, B. Scott, Love & Relationships-thebrotherlove.com

Can America Handle A Gay Idol?-Queerty

High Price of Meth-Queerty

Rapper DMX hasn't heard of Obama-The Daily Voice

An attack on Tupac Shakur launched a hip-hop war- L.A. Times

Hey! I just wanted to thank you all so much for all of your support over the past year and a half that this blog has been in existence. I cannot explain how much I appreciate every subscriber, every blogger that links my work, every person that leaves a comment and even those of you who read everyday but have yet to participate in the discussion. This site could not be where it is today without all of you.
Living Out Loud with Darian recently reached a milestone in terms of the number of hits the site receives. I will not disclose the actual number but believe me when I say that I did a double take! There is still more work to be done in order to take the site to the next level and I'm asking for your input and even your talent.
If there is something about the site that you love or something that you would like to see more of please do not hesitate to let me know. If there is a story that you think should be featured on loldarian.com and I've overlooked it then please bring it to my attention.
I'm also in need of an official logo and eventually a more detailed and appealing background. So if you have graphic design skills then please hit me up.
I can be reached at darianoutloud@mac.com .
My goal is for this site to be in the top 5 most visited sites for SGL men of color. A place where brothers (and sisters) can come to be empowered, inspired, informed, and entertained. Let's do it together.
I'm on assignment this week for Velocity Magazine and will be traveling outside of the country, so posts will be light. I've got some great news to share with you on Friday. Brace yourselves.

Happy Monday! I was featured on lovebscott.com over the weekend and I wanted to post the video here for those of you who may have missed it. The video is in response to all of the homophobic and cruel comments left by the readers of the urban entertainment site Concrete Loop for B. Scott. I won't go into any more detail because the video says it all. Get into it and don't be afraid to leave a comment. Double kisses!

Just a few random questions and thoughts that ran across my mind during the day and I decided to share. It's so much more fun this way!

1. Why is Madonna spread eagle on the cover of her new CD "Hard Candy" wearing less than any woman her age should be in public? I know another artist that happens to be 9 years her junior that catches hell for showing any skin at 41, but I'm not gonna say her name. Can we say double standard?
2. Isn't Michelle Obama an amazing speaker? After listening to her speak I want to vote for her! Just kidding Barack!(you know he reads this blog...lol!)
3. Am I the only person that's not moved by the Rev. Jeremiah Wright scandal? Isn't it obvious that this is the work of the God-fearing folks over at "FAUX News"? I guess they've finally realized that they're going to have their worst nightmare in The White House; a president that's willing to work on behalf of everyone in America.
4. Did you catch Janet's stand in on Saturday Night Live last weekend? After dozens of albums and world tours Mariah Carey still can't perform live. So disappointing.

5. I've never seen PUNKS or Tongues Untied. Will somebody please send me a copy? Hey, it's worth a try. LOL!

6.Am I the only person that looks at people cross-eyed when they're using a CD player? I thought everyone owned an iPod by now.

7. I've never understood the fascination with men in leather. But if Trey can adopt the look of this guy from NEXT Magazine then I'm gonna have to take him shopping!

8. Why do I visit this site?

9. In 2008 why do some white people still pretend not to know why BET, The United Negro College Fund, HBCU's, and Black Gay Prides exist?

10. Why is director Bill Duke perpetuating stereotypes and lies about the down low and black gay men in his new film Cover? Even going as far to say dozens of down low men were interviewed to gain honest material for the film. Since when do DL brothers come out of hiding to give interviews to Hollywood directors?

It's a slow news day, so I thought this would be the perfect time to break out the eye candy! I have thousands of photos in my iPhoto library and usually when I find a photo online that I like I save it for moments like this.
I'm sure you'll be able to appreciate these photos as much as I do. Now if only I could get a body like that without working out.
Shout out to two of the best websites on the net featuring men of color, HOODSWORLD & The Gayte-Keeper. Get into these sites if you haven't already.

New York's Gay Men's Health Crisis is launching one of the most appealing, effective and most likely controversial safer sex campaigns that I've ever seen. "I love my boo" is filled with beautiful images of Black and Latino gay couples who are committed to loving and respecting each other by communicating and wearing condoms in order to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS.
One ad reads,"When we first met we didn't talk about sex, we would just use condoms and that was it. Eventually we wanted to stop using condoms so now we get tested together regularly. We are all about taking care of each other".
One of the elements of this campaign that I love is that the language reflects it's target audience. It's current and even a little hood.
"When we met it was all about the sex. He's got the nicest lips and a beautiful ass. But what really got me was how he came at me with respect. It just made me open myself up to love him. He is real sexy and we have the hottest sex I've ever had! That's wassup. The most important thing is I know I can count on him".
And lastly, I must say it's a breath of fresh air as a black gay man to be referred to as such versus the more clinical term MSM(Men Who Have Sex With Men)that is widely used to demonize black gay men during discussions of the down low.
Beautiful images of brothers loving and respecting each others bodies and souls. Now that's not something you see everyday.
Kudos to GMHC! Finally, somebody got it right.
Thanks khalid(spelled with a lower case k)