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| Friday, January 16, 2009

What: On January 19, 2009, the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday, The Atlanta Black LGBT Coalition along with GLBT|ATL will be protesting The King Center's choice of anti-gay Rick Warren as keynote speaker at the Annual Commemorative Service for Dr. King.

When and Where: The protest will be at the corner of Auburn Ave and Jackson St, the front entrance of Ebenezer Baptist Church, starting at 9:00 a.m. Staging and coordination will begin a half hour earlier, 8:30 a.m., one block south at Edgewood Ave and Jackson St.

End Time: There is no official end time, but the protest will gradually stop through the late morning hours to allow folks to attend the Rustin- Lorde Breakfast and the downtown March & Rally at 1:00 p.m.

Our Message: Note that we are NOT protesting Ebenezer Baptist Church. The church is the host of the Annual Commemorative Service, but they do not have a voice in how the speakers at the Service are chosen. We are protesting The King Center for inviting Rick Warren to take center stage during a commemoration of tolerance and unity. We are also protesting Rick Warren's own messages of intolerance and hate. (If you plan on bringing your own signs, keep points these in mind. Most importantly, keep it peaceful, in the tone of Dr. King's legacy of nonviolent protest.)

Getting There: Some streets will be closed, and parking in the area will be scarce to none. We don't have the official street closing information yet.

What to Wear: We will be wearing black shirts as a unifying color, but you are free to dress as you like.

The 2009 Bayard Rustin-Audre Lorde Breakfast

The 2009 Atlanta Bayard Rustin-Audre Lorde Breakfast will be held on Monday, January 19th at 10:30am at 139 Ralph McGill Blvd (between Piedmont Ave and Courtland St across from the Atlanta Civic Center) in the Bruce Allmond room downstairs. The breakfast was founded by community organizers Darlene Hudson and Craig Washington in 2002 to achieve the following goals:(1) to provide lgbtq people, people of color and progressive allies the opportunity to fellowship before participating in the Martin Luther King Jr March; (2) to educate communities about the life and contributions of Bayard Rustin, Audre Lorde and other activists; and (3) to enhance mutual support and continued learning among participants engaged in social justice work. Every year, a diverse assembly of attendees convene at this landmark to enjoy good food and friendly company in the spirit of building progressive community.

Breakfast sponsors include Radial Café, Positive Impact, Starbucks, and the Atlanta Black LGBT Coalition.

