Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Caption This Slideshow

I couldn't think of a tiltle for this post so I'm giving you the creative task of naming it for me. I have thousands of pictures I've collected over the years stored in my iPhoto library on my computer, some of which I don't even remember where I got them from or who shot the photo. That's the magic of owning a MAC, you just click and drag baby!

So before all of you angry photographers send me an e-mail asking why I didn't give you credit for your work it's probably because I'm unaware of who shot the photo at this point. But let me just say that I love and respect your craft(otherwise your photo wouldn't be showcased here) and I'm all about giving credit where credit is due. So take a moment and get into these pics, they are some of my favorites and there's also one in there that's making it's LOLDARIAN premiere. Can you guess which one?


  1. The New Black love

  2. @Darian: Is that your boyfriend with the sexy bald head taking a picture with you in that blue room?

    Also, is Shawn and fuzzy new in that album or the new married couple jasymne reported on?
