I'm sure by now we've all either read about Bishop Alfred A. Owens' Palm Sunday homophobic rant or we've heard the actual recording online. I actually have a snippet of the sermon on my iPod (don't ask me why) and for the past few weeks it's made me think twice about my memebership in the black mega church I attend here in L.A. . I have never heard my Bishop attack his gay and lesbian members like Bishop Owens did, but I've had to sit through many services where other members were urged to pray out the demonic spirit of homosexuality, and don't even get me started with the Brokeback Mountain jokes I was subjected too.
I've been visiting Oasis Christian Center for the past month and it's been a breath of fresh air. Very different from the worship experience that I'm used to, but the congregation is filled with young adults excited about worship. I just believe church should be inclusive and the last place I want to be is somewhere that I'm not welcomed.
GLBT people serve in every capacity in my church, and when I say every capacity I mean in the pulpit as well. I refuse to believe that my sexual orientation makes me less than in any way, a less effective christian, believer, follower, or human being. And it's when we as a community continue to attend these churches who damn us to hell every Sunday is when our self esteem plummets and we are sidetracked on our spiritual walk. So should I go or should I stay? I think I already have the answer.
Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
July 18, 2006 12:21 AM
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